


Provides local override via keyword arguments as a context manager.



remove_unused_categories: bool

Whether or not to remove unused categories with Categorical. (default: True).

check_uniqueness: bool

Whether or not to check uniqueness of the obs indices on __init__ of AnnData. (default: True).

allow_write_nullable_strings: bool

Whether or not to allow writing of pd.arrays.StringArray. (default: False).

zarr_write_format: int

Which version of zarr to write to. (default: 2).

use_sparse_array_on_read: bool

Whether or not to use scipy.sparse.sparray as the default class when reading in data (default: False).

min_rows_for_chunked_h5_copy: int

Minimum number of rows at a time to copy when writing out an H5 Dataset to a new location (default: 1000).