


anndata.settings = SettingsManager(_registered_options={'should_remove_unused_categories': RegisteredOption(option='should_remove_unused_categories', default_value=True, doc='should_remove_unused_categories: bool\n    Whether or not to remove unused categories with :class:`~pandas.Categorical`. Default value of True.\n', validate=<function validate_bool>, type=<class 'bool'>), 'should_check_uniqueness': RegisteredOption(option='should_check_uniqueness', default_value=True, doc='should_check_uniqueness: bool\n    Whether or not to check uniqueness of the `obs` indices on `__init__` of :class:`~anndata.AnnData`. Default value of True.\n', validate=<function validate_bool>, type=<class 'bool'>)}, _deprecated_options={}, _config={'should_remove_unused_categories': True, 'should_check_uniqueness': True}, __doc_tmpl__='\nThis manager allows users to customize settings for the anndata package.\nSettings here will generally be for advanced use-cases and should be used with caution.\n\nThe following options are available:\n\n{options_description}\n\nFor setting an option please use :func:`~anndata.settings.override` (local) or set the above attributes directly (global) i.e., `anndata.settings.my_setting = foo`.\nFor assignment by environment variable, use the variable name in all caps with `ANNDATA_` as the prefix before import of :mod:`anndata`.\nFor boolean environment variable setting, use 1 for `True` and 0 for `False`.\n')[source]#

This manager allows users to customize settings for the anndata package. Settings here will generally be for advanced use-cases and should be used with caution.

The following options are available:

should_remove_unused_categories: bool

Whether or not to remove unused categories with Categorical. Default value of True.

should_check_uniqueness: bool

Whether or not to check uniqueness of the obs indices on __init__ of AnnData. Default value of True.

For setting an option please use override() (local) or set the above attributes directly (global) i.e., anndata.settings.my_setting = foo. For assignment by environment variable, use the variable name in all caps with ANNDATA_ as the prefix before import of anndata. For boolean environment variable setting, use 1 for True and 0 for False.