


The on-disk representation of anndata files can be read from other languages. Here we list interfaces for working with AnnData from your language of choice:


  • zellkonverter zellkonverter provides basilisk based tooling for loading from h5ad files to SingleCellExperiment

  • anndata provides an R implementation of AnnData as well as IO for the HDF5 format.

  • MuData provides IO for AnnData and MuData stored in HDF5 to Bioconductor’s SingleCellExperiment and MultiAssayExperiment objects.

  • MuDataSeurat provides IO from AnnData and MuData stored in HDF5 to Seurat objects.


  • Muon.jl provides Julia implementations of AnnData and MuData objects, as well as IO for the HDF5 format

  • scVI.jl provides a Julia implementation of AnnData as well as IO for the HDF5 format.


  • Vitessce contains loaders from AnnDatas stored as Zarr, and uses this to provide interactive visualization


  • anndata-rs provides a Rust implementation of AnnData as well as advanced IO support for the HDF5 storage format.